Twins Outs


Twins Outs is a 5 on 5 flag football play that is executed out of the Twins flag football formation.

The 2 wide receivers (A, B) line up to the far left or right, depending on whether the formation is stacked to the left or right. The 2 receivers should lineup near the sideline and somewhat close together (this is the same for all Twins formations). The quarterback (Q) is under center (C) and the running back (R) is lined up on the opposite side from where the wide outs are lined up, 3-4 yards deep.

At the snap of the ball, the quarterback fakes a hand-off to the running back then drops back to pass. Wide receiver (A) is the primary option. Player (A) should hesitate just for a fraction of a second so that he comes behind player B when performing his cut to the inside. If player (A) cannot get open then the quarterback looks to (B), (C) and (R) in that order.

Optionally this play can be called as a hand-off in which case the quarterback just hands the ball to (R) as he runs up the middle.

Another option is to run a draw. To execute the draw, the runner (R) should hesitate for a second while the quarterback pump fakes down field toward a receiver. This leads the defense to believe that he is passing the ball. After the pump fake, the quarterback turns and quickly hands the ball to the running back (R). This takes some practice as the running back must watch for the quarterback to pump before he begins moving.

See this play in Action: