Table of Content: –
- Basic & General Rules Guideline of Flag Football
- Rules Related to Game Time in Flag Football
- Rules Related to Over Time in Flag Football
- Rules & Regulations Related to Penalties
- Rules & Regulations in the Case of Mixed-Gender Teams
No matter how good you are in a game, it all goes to waste when you don’t have a piece of proper knowledge regarding the rules & regulations followed during playtime. Basically, flag football was designed to minimize the injuries as much as possible compared to tackle football.
Flag football is not only popular among children living in the United States of America. But it inspired numerous people all around the world to play this game. One of the most essential things inside this is its rules, which players need to follow all the time inside the ground. Often because of the numerous leagues playing all around the world, the rules differ in each & every league. They are also evolved significantly over time. Here in this article, you will find all the standards & basic rules followed in most of the flash football leagues.

Let’s start with the general or basic rules that need to be followed in every flash football game: –
Basic & General Rules Guideline of Flag Football
- This game needs the supervision of more than two or three officials, so it can be played smoothly.
- Every game of flag football requires 2 teams made of seven players each. Less than 7 players can even lead a team to disqualification.
- In every team, there is only one player known as the captain that can interact freely with the officials. Other than him, no one has a permit to have a conversation with any officials of the game.
- The ground where the game needs to be played must be at least 40 yards wide & needs to have four zones of 20 yards. Not only that but a 10-yard end zone should also be marked at each end of the field.
- For the points after the attempt is taken, a line also needs to be marked every 3 to 10 yards on both of the ends of the field.
- In men’s flag football, they have to use a regular size football to play the game. But on the other hand, children & women can use an intermediate or junior youth size football for the game.
- While playing a game, every team needs to wear a jersey to contrast each other. So, there should be no confusion regarding teammates & opponents.
- If a team kit contains pants or shorts, they must be free from all the exposed drawstrings, for example, belts, buckles, loops, etc.
- Every layer who is participating in a game needs to wear a flag belt around their waist. Not only that but there should be three flags attached to the belt, two on both sides & one on the center of the back. If this rule is not followed in the game, the opponent team will be awarded the 5 yards penalty.
- This game does not support hats with a bill, nor does it support bandanas while having a match.
- Metal cleats inside shoes are also not allowed in this game.
- There is also some other equipment that is illegal in the game. Some examples of that equipment are jewelry, untucked jerseys, and hard leg, & knee braces. Players having these things in the ground will not be allowed to play in the game.
Also Read: Guide to teach Flag Football Plays
Rules Related to Game Time in Flag Football
- Flag Football only lasts for a total of 40 minutes, with two 20 minutes half. While having a half time a team can take 2 minutes rest as well. If a game gets in an extra time, a three minutes rest time will take place before the game starts again.
- In any scenario, if both of the captains & all the officials agree, the game can be shortened at any point in the playtime.
- In many cases when the ball is legally snapped during halftime, the clock will not stop at any point & will run continuously. Until or unless any team calls a time out or the referee calls a time out.
- When only two minutes are remaining in halftime, the referee needs to stop the clock & inform both of the team captains. The work of this rule isn’t over after that, at the end of every play in those two minutes, the back judges need to inform the captains regarding the remaining time.
- In the final minute of every half, the clock can only be stopped for a few reasons. The reasons are: –
- Any team scored a goal
- A catch took place on a punt return
- If any team calls a time out
- If the ball run out of bounds
- An incomplete pass occurs
- A penalty is given to any team’
- A referee took a referee time out
- If the change of possession occurs
- Every team only has 2 time-outs per game. No team can take more than two time-outs in any game.
Rules Related to Over Time in Flag Football
- A tie can only happen in the regular season & after that, the points will be equally divided between both teams. If it happens in the playoffs such as quarter-finals, semi-finals, or finals, then only an overtime period will occur.
- Before starting an extra time, a coin toss will be held. Whichever team will win this toss has an opportunity to choose either offense, defense, or direction to score. If a toss-winning team chooses to offense, then the other team needs to choose the end of the field they want to defend. However, in the extra time, each team will play towards the same goal line.
- The team who chooses to offense needs to start first with a goal from the 20 yards line. Here the only motive is to score a touchdown. If that team scores, then only the other will get the chance to do offense. If one team scores & the other team don’t then the game will be called over. If both of the teams score, then only the game will continue until one team can’t make a goal.
- In flag football overtime, each team gets one time out in that period.
- In the running extra time, if the defending team makes rough contacts with the passer or makes pass interference through that. The offense team will receive a fresh set of downs as a charge or foul.
Also Read: Youth Flag Football Playbook
Rules & Regulations Related to Penalties
- By any means, if a team makes a delay of game because of any reason. The 5 yards penalty will be given to the opponent from the previous spot.
- If any illegal procedure happens on the ground while running during playtime. The same 5 yards penalty will be given to the opponent from the previous spot.
- If any dead ball foul happens or encroachment takes place on the field. The 5 yards penalty will be awarded to the opponent team from the previous spot.
- If any offense pass interference happens while making a play. The 10 yards penalty will be awarded from the previous spot or loss of down.
- If any defense pass interference happens while making a play. The same 10 yards penalty will be awarded from the previous spot or automatic first down.
- If there is any rough tackling done on the passer, the passer will get 10 yards automatic first down penalty instantly.
- Sometimes player tries to hold an offensive attack by holding a player. On that spot that holding will be called foul & the penalty is awarded to the offensive team from the 10 yards.
- For flag guarding, the penalty is given to the opposite team from the 10 yards on the same spot of the foul.
- For face guarding, the same 10 yards penalty is given to the opposite team but by the automatic first down.
- If there is any happening like stiff arms taking place on the ground, the 10 yards penalty is awarded to the team from the same spot of the foul.
- Sometimes helping a runner can also be termed as foul when it was not done properly. For that, the penalty is awarded to the opposing team 10 yards from the same spot of the foul.
- If there is any illegal blocking that takes place on the ground. It will be termed as a foul & the penalty is awarded to the opposing team 10 yards from the spot.
Rules & Regulations in the Case of Mixed-Gender Teams
- If the game is playing with a team containing both genders. Then each side must require eight team players, 4 men & 4 women. According to this ratio, the game should be played.
- In case the team is playing with seven players. Then the ratio will be 4 women & 3 men.
- In a match played between two mixed-gender teams. An intermediate, junior, or youth football must be used in playtime.
- In this game at the time of punt, a male receiver can advance the ball only two steps. But on the other side, the female can advance the ball further as far as she can.
- In this game, a male runner cannot take the ball beyond the line of scrimmage. If he does that, then the possession of the ball is awarded to the opposing team.
- While playing a mixed-gender flag football game, a male attacker needs to remember they can’t pass the ball twice to a male receiver consecutively. In this case, the next receiver or runner must be a woman.
- In a game of mixed gender, one team gets ahead by 25 points with only five minutes remaining at the end of the game. The referee has the authority to evoke the mercy rule & end the game before time ups.
- In the case of females scoring the points from touch down, a scoring team receives 9 points.