Youth Flag football is gradually increasing its popularity all over the world with fans of all ages. The game can be played by women, men, or children as it stands for unity as well as mental and physical fitness.
Good players always care about the final score that makes the game even more involving and interesting. It is necessary to provide you with some key tips that will help you stay one step ahead of your opposition.
Preparing a strategy
A mass of people misunderstands that Flag football is a game of just athleticism so it is necessary to give them an idea of what the flag football game actually is.
In reality, the game consists of teamwork and plan execution of more than half of the game itself. It will not be shocking if a team with less muscle power beats a high-muscle-powered team with just having an additional game strategy and plan execution.
Let’s understand this by an example; It is more important to focus on creating rhythm and going downs than concentrating on just scoring goals without any plan. Having a good strategy and rhythm you will surely be able to make a way through the oppositions’ defense decreasing their strength both mentally and physically.
The best ways to create a proper rhythm are by doing practices, short passes, 1-2s, and running plays.
Try out new experiments
It’s impossible to select your best team combination in the very first time as you can’t know who has got what types of skills and what their preferable positions are.
Also Read: Flag Football – Terms, Rules, Flag Belts, Blocking And Ball Kicks
So it’s always good to try out new experiments at the start of the season to find out what fits best for your team. By trying out different plays and combinations, you’ll be able to determine your best team combination within some weeks which allows you to focus on what can be added up in their skills to improve your team’s performance.
Make your players practice throwing a spiral
This one is especially for your team’s quarterbacks who have to make long throws and passes ensuring accuracy. Regularly Practicing with spiral throwing allows you to make accurate long passes with greater velocity.
To make a spiral throw, keep the ball crossed in your fingers over the laces and put it near your back. Keeping your throwing elbow solid, hold up the ball near your ear, and after marking the target with your non-throwing shoulder, release the ball allowing it to spin through your fingertips for a longer reach. Also, make sure to flow with the follow-through for a greater velocity.
Tips to pull the flag
Pulling the flag from your opponent is one of the most important skills that your players need to learn while playing the flag football game. While listening, it sounds easy but having fast and speedy opponents against, it can be a great headache to have the flag from them as they can easily bluff you by doing quicks and sprints.
And when you get in front of the ball, he will be forced to move around you giving you some extra time to grab the flag.
Make sure that you are not standing rigidly and hard-footed waiting for the ball carrier, it’s better to go for the ball as early as possible so that they can not be able to make momentum and lose your strength.
Another tip to get the ball is that you should keep a close eye on the hips of the ball carrier as they will indicate to you which direction the ball carrier will head up next. If you focus on his feet or head, it will be easier for him to confuse you by doing some dribbles and head in the opposite direction.
Make a perfect timing
Whether it is cricket, hockey, football, or flag football, timing plays a key role in getting you on the winning side. Especially, timing can be a great asset for your team’s quarterbacks and can make a great difference between an average season and a championship.
As per their task, the quarterbacks have to make a quick or long pass by making timing with the receiver so that he can have the ball as he cuts off. Create a passing practice for your quarterbacks and the receiver to improve their communication as well as timing.
Throwing the ball also involves a leading skill as the quarterback has to throw the ball where the receiver will be at the next moment, not where he is at the time of the throw.
Enhance your defense zone
While looking for an aggressive attack, you must be careful about your zone defense as it can be targeted with a counter-attack. For this, you can create a zone defense by handing a specific area to each one of your players to prevent any opposition player from entering your area.
Improving your defense zone also allows your defender to have an eye on the quarterback and the receiver by which they can anticipate their next move and interrupt it right at the spot.
Use long-passes and man-to-man marking
We all know what long throws are capable of if executed with perfection. Confusing the opposition, long throws can create quick attacks and counters which can turn out in goal points.
As well as that, you can use man-to-man marking for safe and balanced play. Usually, this is a defensive play in which your players have to be careful of leaving a bit of space for the receiver to avoid a cut sprint.
Flag football is not what actually a mass of people think. It is a game with the combined use of technique, strategy, and athleticism. In this guide, we have mentioned some important and effective tips collected from experts that will help your team in converting a moderate season into a championship win.