Youth Flag Football Playbook


One key distinction between football and most other sports is the level of precision in its on-field action. Every play is meticulously designed and repeatedly practiced.

To successfully reach the end zone and score points, coaches need a flag football playbook that is both straightforward and effective. Below, we’ve provided a selection of our playbooks tailored to various team sizes. We recommend illustrating the plays on 3×5 index cards to visually present them to the kids during practice. This allows you to explain their assignments in detail while using visual aids to reinforce understanding. Then, practice the plays extensively to ensure proficiency.

6 On 6 Flag Football Plays

Trips End Around

Trips Swing Pass

Trips Center Screen

Trips Receiver Screen

Twins Double In

Twins Center Cross

Twins Fly

Twins Hook

5 on 5 Flag Football Plays

Twins Outs

Twins Outside Slants

Twins Inside Slants

Flag Football Defense

5 on 5 Flag Football Defense PDF

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